2016Fifth ANDREA Training Course
The Fifth ANDREA Training Course was held on June 25th, 2016, in the form of a satellite event to the Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) in Geneva, Switzerland. The training course, organized by partners BIND-UdA and TUIL, focused on the latest scientific advancements of the ANDREA project. Talks were given on: hardware achievements (Prof. Fonseca/UPORTO; Prof. Haueisen/TUIL; Dr. Zanow/EEM), methods…
2016Patrique Fiedler at EEM
The secondment of Patrique Fiedler took place from June 1st to August 31st 2016 from the Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics at the Ilmenau University of Technology (Academia, Ilmenau, Germany) to Eemagine Medical Imaging Solutions GmbH (Industry, Berlin, Germany). During this period, he had extensive scientific discussions with various staff members of Eemagine, in particular with Frank Zanow, Lars Matthäus, Martijn Schreuder, Jiayi Zhao…
2016Carlos Fonseca at VS
The secondment of Carlos Fonseca took place from June 1st to June 30th 2016 from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (Academia, Porto, Portugal) to Eemagine Medical Imaging Solutions GmbH (Industry, Berlin, Germany). During this period, he had extensive scientific discussions with various staff members of Eemagine, in particular with Frank Zanow and Lars Matthäus, as well as simultaneously seconded TUIL fellow Patrique Fiedler.

2016The Mile of Technology / Lange Nacht der Technik at Ilmenau University of Technology , Germany
This activity took place on May 28th and it was carried out in the framework of the “Mile of Technology” / “Lange Nacht der Technik” at the Ilmenau University of Technology. This event is a major 3-annual exhibit of the Ilmenau University of Technology and adjunct institutions enabling the public audience to experience the world of science and technology and get a closer look into…
2016Jens Haueisen at Villa Serena
The secondment of Prof. Jens Haueisen (partner TUIL, Academia, Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany) takes place in May 2016 at partner Villa Serena (Industry, Città S. Angelo, Pescara, Italy). During his secondment, Prof. Haueisen will support the validation of the performance of the first ANDREA demonstrator in neurological patients with respect to the effectiveness of the developed dry electrodes, the easiness of the cap montage…
2016Girls day at Ilmenau University of Technology , Germany
This activity took place on April 27th and it was carried out in the framework of the “Girl’s day 2016” at the Ilmenau University of Technology. Live demonstrations on various biosignal acquisition technologies including electroencephalography and electrocardiography were performed. Therefore, the requirements of conventional electrodes in comparison to novel dry electrodes have been demonstrated and discussed showing several prototypes of the ANDREA project. Impacts…
2016Open doors at Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany
This activity took place on April 23rd 2016 and it was carried out in the framework of the “open doors” of the Ilmenau University of Technology. Live demonstration on electroencephalography and online brain activity reconstruction were performed using single dry electrodes and cap prototypes of the ANDREA project. Differences and advantages of the new electrode system were discussed and compared to conventional wet cap systems….
2016Marie Curie Ambassador at the Professional High School “Di Marzio – Michetti”, Pescara (Italy)
On 19 April 2016 Prof. Comani visited the Professional High School “Di Marzio – Michetti” in Pescara (Italy), and presented the ANDREA Project to a group of about 150 students (16-18 years old). Prof. Comani started with a presentation of the goals of a IAPP project, and of the importance of international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral research to boost scientific cooperation in Europe. She then presented…
2016Beatriz Vasconcelos at EEM
The secondment of Beatriz Vasconcelos took place from April 1st to May 31st 2016 from Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at the University of Porto (Academia, Porto, Portugal) to Eemagine Medical Imaging Solutions GmbH (Industry, Berlin, Germany). During this period, she had extensive scientific discussions with various staff members of Eemagine, in particular with Lars Matthäus, Martijn Schreuder, Jiayi Zhao and Katharina Hoffmann.
2016“Semana Profissão Engenheiro” at Faculty of Engineering of Porto University, Portugal
This activity took place from the 14th-20th March 2016 and it was carried out in the framework of the “Semana Profissão Engenheiro” of the Faculty of Engineering of Porto University. A poster was prepared to explain the principles of electroencephalography, the main goals of the ANDREA project and the impact of the dry electrode system to be developed on the way electroencephalography exams will be…